Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (8/6/24) (2024)

“Master” Chad Gable continues to play genius detective, but now he & The Creed Brothers must take on The Wyatt Sicks in a Six Man Tag! Will Gable and his new students #FollowTheBuzzards?


  • Sheamus VS Ludwig Kaiser; Sheamus wins.
  • Lyra Valkyria VS Shayna Baszler w/ Zoey Stark; Lyra wins, by disqualification.
  • The New Day VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament; The New Day wins.
  • The Awesome Truth VS A-Town Down Under; ATDU wins.
  • Damian Priest VS JD McDonagh w/ Carlito; Priest wins, by disqualification.
  • Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL VS Sonya Deville w/ Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark; changed to…
  • Iyo Sky w/ Kairi Sane VS Sonya Deville w/ Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark; Iyo wins.
  • Six Man Tag: Chad Gable & The Creed Brothers VS The Wyatt Sick6; The Wyatts win.


The first hour is commercial free!

Ludwig Kaiser is in the ring.

The Impeccable German makes his return to tell “Ladies and gentlemen” of Baltimore, “I demand all your gratitude for your NEW~ World Heavyweight Champion… Derrrr RIIING GENERAL…! GUUUUNTHER!” And with that, the King of the Ring who is now Der Champion heads to the ring. Gunther steps inside as Kaiser applauds. They hug, for Imperium is reunited and on top of the world. Gunther raises the belt, and he gets his celebratory pyro! Kaiser hands over the mic and Gunther soaks up the cheers and jeers. Fans chant “You Deserve It!” “No You Don’t!”

Gunther takes a moment to introduce himself, and he says he is Der Ring General. He is the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion in history! He is King of the Ring. And now, he is YOUR World Heavyweight Champion! “Tonight, a new legacy begins, and let’s be honest, this title and this company deserved so much more for a very, very long time. So if you think what I’ve done with the Intercontinental Championship is historic, just watch and see what I do as the World Heavyweight Champion. Because in this ring, I am above everybody here. I am ready and prepared for everyone and everything. There is nothing that can catch me off guard. I am greatness personified!”

Fans are torn, but Gunther then says that from this day forth, Monday Night Raw and the legacy of this great business, of this great sport, and the World Heavyweight Championship belong to GUNTHER! But here comes RANDY ORTON! The Viper of SmackDown is here, having done his part on Saturday to keep The Bloodline out of power. But now, here he is, stepping into the ring with Gunther. Baltimore fires up as Orton poses on the corner. Orton then gets himself a mic while the fans chant his name. Gunther says, “Well, Randy, I have to say, I was wrong. Because that can’t be outdone.”

Orton tells Gunther that he wants to congratulate him, but that’s not really Orton’s style. But that said, that gold, that title, looks mighty damn fine on Gunther’s shoulder. Gunther is a good looking champion. But Orton can’t help but when he looks at the title, he realizes Orton is the only reason Gunther has that title in the first place. See, Gunther got his title shot at SummerSlam because he beat Orton at King of the Ring.Or did he? Orton knows, the people know, and even HHH knows. Orton’s shoulders weren’t perfectly flat on the mat, but the referee’s decision is final, and Orton gets that. Orton has been here long enough to know he has to respect that.

But HHH knows that there needs to be a Gunther VS Orton sequel. The fans fire up! HHH told the world that there would be a Gunther VS Orton part 2. And that is exactly why Orton is here tonight. Orton is calling in that favor. Orton is the only man that can match Gunther move for move, chop for chop, counter for counter, technician for technician, smooth VSsmoother. In fact, the fans deserve a modern day Flair VS Steamboat. Now, Orton can fill one of those roles, but can Gunther? Gunther calls himself a “living legend,” and that is fine. Gunther believes he is a “living legend,” and that is fine.

Because, big man, Orton made a career out ofkilling legends. So Bash in Berlin, Orton does it again, and he walks out of Gunther’s home country the NEW World Heavyweight Champion. The fans fire up for “RANDY! RANDY!” but Gunther smirks. Gunther tells Orton, “Everything you said is true. And to be honest, not beating you clean at the King of the Ring left a little stain on my record. So if those voices in your head tell you that you can beat me in Berlin, I have to tell you, your voices are wrong. Randy Orton…” The fans chant for “R K O! R K O!” but Gunther says challenge accepted! They shake hands, and the deal is struck.

Gunther brings Orton in closer to say nothing , absolutely nothing, catches Gunther off guard. Oh, good to know. But Orton’s heard that before. Orton wants Gunther to see this RKO coming. Will the Viper strike down the King of the Ring and take the title? Or will Orton be the one getting bashed in Berlin?

Backstage interview with Sheamus.

Jackie Redmond says there is growing list of people who want after The Fella, including the returning Kaiser, who is back from an injury he claims Sheamus caused. What does Sheamus think of that? Sheamus says Kaiser has returned to Raw, “The Human Ken Doll” is medically cleared, and wanted his match tonight. Sheamus has been more focused on Pete “Don’t Call Me Butch” Dunne but what’re you gonna do? All these thundercats want Sheamus to get his scalp and make a name for themselves. And he says, BRING IT ON! He’ll fight them all!

The truth is, Sheamus tests Kaiser’s fragile ribs, then he’ll put Dunne on the shelf. But he has one question, Baltimore: Are you ready for a banger?! The Celtic Warrior heads out, will he finish the beef with The Impeccable German?

Sheamus VS Ludwig Kaiser!

Well, Kaiser doesn’t wait, he goes after Sheamus at the ramp! Sheamus sends Kaiser into barriers! Kaiser almost tumbles over them! Sheamus brings Kaiser back to fire hands, but Kaiser hits back! The brawl goes around the way, Kaiser fires hands but Sheamus gives those back! Sheamus puts Kaiser in, throws off his shirt, free souvenir, and now the match begins! Kaiser fires hands in the ring, bumps Sheamus off buckles, then CHOSP! Sheamus CHOPS back! Sheamus drags Kaiser up in a corner, UPPERCUTS, but Kaiser fires hands! And an UPPERCUT! Sheamus just UPPERCUTS back! Kaiser sputters and Sheamus whips him.

Kaiser KICKS Sheamus, Sheamus goes to a corner, but then Kaiser blocks a boot! “NEIN!” And UPPERCUT! Kaiser CHOPS, stomps, repeat! The fans fire up as Kaiser CHOPS again and again! The ref backs Kaiser off, but Sheamus CHOPS, CHOPS and CHOPS! The fans count along, Sheamus goes to TEN CHOPS! The fans fire up and Sheamus grins. Sheamus stands Kaiser up, but Kaiser KICKS the bad leg! Kaiser stomps that leg, but now Sheamus is egging him on! Kaiser kicks again, Sheamus blocks to BODY SHOT! Kaiser sputters, Sheamus BODY SHOTS again! Kaiser shoves Sheamus, runs up, but into a fireman’s carry!

The fans fire up and Sheamus ROLLING SENTONS! Sheamus goes up a corner, but Kaiser bails out! The fans boo but Kaiser calls the ref over. The ref checks Sheamus, wants medical to verify this, but the ref also has to keep Sheamus back. The fans rally, but Kaiser’s playing possum! He CLOBBERS Sheamus from behind! Kaiser grins, then he HAMMERS away on Sheamus! Kaiser sets Sheamus up against steel steps, that’s his favorite spot! Kaiser refreshes the ring count to build speed around the way! DROPKICK against steps! Sheamus sputters and the fans boo, but Kaiser just smiles.

Kaiser leaves Sheamus behind, the ring count climbs to 5 of 10 and Sheamus finally stirs. Sheamus rises and the fans rally up. Sheamus stands at 9 to slide in! Kaiser is annoyed, and he KICKS away on Sheamus! The fans boo, the ref counts, and Kaiser lets off. Kaiser comes back to dig his knee into Sheamus’ face, but lets off as the ref counts. Sheamus sputters his way to another kick, but Kaiser KICKS him in the side! Kaiser fishhooks Sheamus’ face, then ELBOWS him in the head! The fans rally, Kaiser stand Shamu sup but Sheamus fires hands! So Kaiser throat chops him! And DROPKICKS the leg out!

Sheamus is in the corner, Kaiser CHOKES him, and goes so hard thatKaiser falls out of the ring! Kaiser storms up to CHOP Sheamus! The fans boo, Sheamus is in a Tree of Woe, so Kaiser KICKS him back into the ring. Kaiser has a wild look in his eyes as he storms into the ring. Kaiser soaks up the heat from Baltimore, then stalks Sheamus to the apron. Kaiser stands Sheamus up to hook him up in the ropes. The fans boo but Kaisersteals the BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN! But Sheamus stops it at four! Kaiser panics, Sheamus short arm LARIATS! Both men are down, the fans fire up, and Sheamus drags himself up.

Baltimore chants “LET’S GO, SHEAMUS!” but Kaiser KICKS the legs out! Cover, TWO! Sheamus crawls along ropes and Kaiser taunts him. Sheamus said he’d take Kaiser out, where’s that now? Kaiser pie faces Sheamus, and says he takes Sheamus out! Kaiser SLAPS Sheamus, but that just angers Sheamus! The fans rally, Sheamus fights up, but Kaiser SLAPS and CHOPS and CHOPS, CHOPS, CHOPS! Sheamus just grits his teeth to HEADBUTT! And ROCK Kaiser with haymaker after haymaker! Kaiser and Sheamus fire hands back and forth, then Sheamus gets the edge! Sheamus whips, Kaiser reverses, but Sheamus breaks the line to POLISH HAMMER!

The fans fire up as Sheamus CLOBBERS Kaiser again! Sheamus LARIATS in a corner, reels Kaiser in, IRISH CURSE BACKBREAKER! Kaiser writhes, the fans fire up, and Sheamus hauls Kaiser up. Canadian Rack, but Kaiser slips free! Kaiser SLAPS Sheamus, kicks low, then CLUBS Sheamus. Sheamus fireman’s carries for WHITE NOISE! Cover, TWO! Kaiser survives and the fans fire up as Sheamus rises. Sheamus sits Kaiser up but Kaiser CHOPS! Sheamus CHOPS Kaiser down! Sheamus grabs the legs, and puts Kaiser in a TEXAS CLOVERLEAF!! Kaiser endures being twisted, and he fights around to reach out, ROPEBREAK!

Sheamus lets go, the fans boo as Kaiser goes to the apron, but now Sheamus stands Kaiser up. Sheamus has Kaiser in the ropes, but Kaiser HOTSHOTS him first! Then DISCUS LARIAT! Cover, TWO! Sheamus is still in this and Kaiser is beside himself. The fans rally for Sheamus even harder, and Sheamus grins at Kaiser. They give junkyard dog headbutts, then they SLAP and SLAP! SLAP, SLAP, HAYMAKER, HAYMAKER! The fans are thunderous as Sheamus short arm LARIATS again! Sheamus TOSSES Kaiser out, to have him on the ropes! BEATS OF THE BODHRAIN!! The fans count to TEN, then Sheamus pushes Kaiser down!

Sheamus goes up the corner, aims for the outside, and he SUPER FLYING LARIATS!! Down goes Kaiser and Sheamus hauls him back up! Sheamus puts Kaiser in, but HERE COMES DUNNE! Sheamus dodges the shillelagh! The fans boo Dunne, but then Sheamus dodges and KNEES Dunne down! The Bruiserweight is stunned, Sheamus goes for Kaiser! Kaiser GAMANGIRIS, covers, TWO!! Sheamus survives and Kaiser is losing his cool! Kaiser storms around the ring, stalks Sheamus, and hauls him up! Clinch and- NO, Sheamus powers out and KNEES Kaiser! Then BROGUE!! Cover, Sheamus wins!

Winner: Sheamus, by pinfall

What was that with Dunne last week? “Figure it out?” Well, The Fella “figured it out” and was able to win another banger! But is he about to have another banger with the Bruiserweight down the line?

Baltimore knows all about The Wyatt Family.

11 years ago, “A prophet was unleashed.” Bo Dallas says, “Life is a circle. The end of one journey, the beginning of the next. The circle moves us all. Through sorrow and hope, triumph and agony, life and loss, until we let go, abandon all hope, and find our place on the path unwinding.” The parallels between then and now are clear, “we’re here.” Tonight, Baltimore, “the reckoning is here. RUN.” Will tonight’s main event be the culmination of everything in this circle of life?

Damian Priest is here!

And The Punisher storms right to the ring to shout at Finn Balor! “You know what time it is! Come out here and take this beating like a man!” The fans chant “KICK HIS ASS!” but no Finn. Priest asks if this is for real. How does he go from The Prince to a backstabbing, cowardly scumbag?! Finn knows Priest’s story, and that most of his life, Priest has been on his own. Until he found The Judgment Day. They gave him a reason to fight, they made him feel like he belonged. But then, at the documentary screening, the people told Priest what he means to them. He hears the fans in Baltimore, he sees them, and he knows now that his family just got a whole lot bigger.

So Finn, let him introduce you to his new family! The fans cheer as Priest does a 360. Does Finn think Priest is upset over losing the title? Nah, man, Priest can win the title back. He’s pissed because Finn took that title from all of us! Finn made Priest feel like he let down his family. And for someone like Priest, you know he can’t let that stand. Finn, listen closely. When you are suffering, know that Priest will be the reason for his pain! So get out here to let the beating begin! Priest throws down the mic but Finn just talks via the tron.

Finn tells “big man” Damian that he just wants Priest to know: Priest brought this upon himself. See, Finn didn’t betray Priest, Priest betrayed The Judgment Day. Priest knows how it was supposed to be: They’d all have each other’s backs. No leaders. But that all changed when Priest became World Heavyweight Champion. Priest went back on his word. A year ago, Finn almost became World Heavyweight Champion, and then this happened. Finn shows a picture of Priest’s attempted MITB cash-in. What was it Priest said after that show? “It’s time to man up.”

Well, Finn waited, and waited, and waited a full YEAR, and he manned up! Finn screwed Priest and his family over! Priest is from the streets? Well now he’s a loser from the streets. Finn isn’t gonna fight Priest. But you know who will? Someone who has earned it, someone who deserves it! JD McDonagh will fight Priest! Finn will wait. Finn will wait until Priest feels safe, until he feels comfortable, until he has almost forgotten about this. And then when Priest’s back is turned, Finn will be there to stab him in the back again and again! And it won’t just be Finn. The NEW Judgment Day steps in as he says, “We all will.”

Priest is furious, having been betrayed by everyone he trusted! He storms backstage again, will he find Finn before Finn finds Priest?

Adam Pearce is on a phone call.

He says this is going to be huge! Orton VS Gunther, Bash in Berlin! Oh but speaking of huge… Bronson Reed steps in and says he beat Sheamus last week, yet Sheamus gets a match tonight? Pearce says Sheamus VS Kaiser was set even before- Bronson says he will not be disrespected. Pearce always has some excuse ready. If Bronson wants to get to the talk, he has to call Pearce’s bluff. The Colossal Aussie heads out, what will he do to get his way?

Lyra Valkyria VS Shayna Baszler w/ Zoey Stark & Sonya Deville!

As things continue to heat up in the Raw Women’s Division, The Morrigan is going to battle the Queen of Spades in hopes of getting a foothold in the title race. However, Kayden Carter, Katana Chance & Zelina Vega are all on the sidelines after the brutal battles with these bullies! Will Lyra be able to stand on her own two feet? Or will she end up with a broken wing of her own after Shayna’s done with her?

The bell rings and Shayna fires off on Lyra! Lyra hits back but Shayna wrenches to a wristlock. Straight Arm Lever! Then Shayna WRINGS the arm out! Lyra hurries to a corner, kicks at Shayna, but Shayna sweeps Lyra’s legs. Shayna grabs the arm, isolates it, and lets her hair down before she STMOPS the arm! Lyra writhes, Shayna soaks up cheers and jeers, then storms up in the corner. Shayna KICKS Lyra’s leg, wrenches the arm, Straight Arm Lever lift again! Shayna WRINGS the arm but Lyra rolls through! Lyra ducks ‘n’ dodges Shayna, then ducks a boot to CROSSBODY! The fans fire up and Lyra runs up to LARIAT!

The fans rally as Lyra LARIATS again! SOBAT! KICK! HEADBUTT! KICK! ENZI- NO, Shayna blocks that to have an ANKLE LOCK! Lyra hops around, rolls free, and goes to a corner. Shayna runs up but into a BOOT! Shayna blocks the next kick, but Lyra steps over and gut wrenches Shayna up! DOCTOR BOMB! Cover, TWO! Zoey & Sonya are relieved but Lyra hurries up a corner. Zoey jumps on the apron but Lyra BOOTS her away! Lyra leaps over Shayna but the leg jams! Lyra dodges Shayna to WRECK Sonya! But Shayna has the KIRAFUDA KLUTCH! Lyra reaches back, fireman’s carries, but Shayna slips free!

Shayna waistlocks, Lyra victory rolls free, then ENZIGIRIS! Fireman’s carry, and NIGHTWING!! Cover, SONYA * ZOEY ATTACK!

Winner: Lyra Valkyria, by disqualification

The fans boo as Sonya & Zoey hammer away on Lyra, letting her have the win so they can give her a beating! But wait! Here comes Damage CTRL! They have their own beef with this trio, and the brawl is on! Dakota is right after Shayna but she has Sonya later tonight! Dakota BOOTS Shayna, Iyo Sky SHOTEIS and BUZZSAWS Zoey while Kairi URAKENS Sonya! Sonya’s squad retreats for now, but will they get their payback later on tonight?

The Final Testament speaks.

Karrion Kross says tick tock. “The Doomsday Clock strikes midnight here on Raw. And tonight, the Authors of Pain will put an end to the team that has stood the test of time. For almost ten years, Kofi Kingston & Xavier Woods have been pillars in this business, ushering in the Power of Positivity. Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end. How tragic. But the real tragedy here is that it didn’t have to be this way for Xavier Woods. Kofi Kingston carved out his own path, soared to the top of the mountain and became the man. Xavier Woods, too afraid to become his own man, and history will remember when it’s all said and done, Woods will be just a man standing next tothe man.

So sad. But it didn’t have to be this way, because I gave him opportunity after opportunity. Certainly more opportunities than I’ve been given. But he chose his fate. He chose to stand with Kofi. And they’re going to share that same fate tonight when we witness the death of the New Day. So sayeth the Final Testament.”

Ivy Nile talks with The Creed Brothers.

Julius & Brutus assure her, it’s all fine. But in walks Maxxine Dupri. Ivy has the boys head out, and Maxxine asks where Ivy’s been! We haven’t seen Ivy in weeks, and now The Creeds are viciously attacking Otis & Tozawa with Gable! Ivy says the boys are just passionate. It’s a switch that goes off and- Gable steps in and asks what this is all about. Ivy says Maxxine was just telling her- No no no, Maxxine doesn’t “tell” anything. She has nothing of value to offer. Go find those clowns and scoot along. They can even keep the name “Alpha Academy” if they want, Gable’s done with ’em. He has a new team, and they will take down the Wyatts in tonight’s main event!

Gable then leads Ivy away, having completely moved on. But will he only doom the Diamond Mine to a tragic ending?

CM Punk is here!

Baltimore fires up and “IT’S CLOBBERIN’ TIME!” Punk high-fives fans, signs autographs, and continues to the ring. The fans chant for Punk as he gets the mic. “Why’s he smiling? Why’s he so happy? We’ll get to that in one second. Before I do that, just wanted to take a real quick minute to shoutout, give some flowers to my good flower, my teammate, my brother, Belal Muhammad. He won the UFC Welterweight title. It’s been a busy week, I didn’t forget, congratulations. I love seeing good things happen to good people, and I love seeing hard work pay off. So why am I so happy? I lost Saturday. Big L at SummerSlam.

“I said I was gonna do things that I didn’t do. Thijs is why I’m happy. I haven’t been to Baltimore in over 10 years.” The fans cheer that! Punk says sorry, but it feeds the ego when 10 THOUSAND people are screaming his name at him. The fans chant his name even now! Punk admits, that makes him happy. Losing doesn’t make him happy, but SummerSlam was not a guarantee, ergo, Baltimore, Monday night wasn’t even a guarantee. He is sure a lot of people love him because when he gets knocked down, he gets back up. And there are people who hate that about him.

And when he says SummerSlam wasn’t a guarantee, that is because in January, he got hurt in the Royal Rumble, all of this got taken away from him just when he came back and had his return. He was told NINE MONTHS. So you know why he’s happy? You know why he’s proud for the first time in his life? He did nine months in FIVE! Some big bad man is walking around, 6’5″, 265 pounds, a tough SOB! He hurt Punk, that happens. But Drew McIntyre gloated about it, said he prayed for it, put Punk’s name on a shirt and said he wanted to ruin Punk’s life. Drew told lies about Punk to make himself feel better.

Why is Punk happy after losing to McIntyre? Because Punk is back! SummerSlam was just the start! The Road to WrestleMania for everyone else starts in January, with the Royal Rumble, but Punk’s is gonna start now. Punk’s started at the bottom before, and he’s made his way all the way to the top! Where would Punk be without the fans? Where would he be if he stayed down the last time he lost? Punk’s “Summer of Hate” didn’t start how he wanted, but guess what?It’s still Summer! And Punk says that tonight, in this packed house of beautiful fans, deserve less Punk talking and more Punk fighting!

Punk wants round two with McIntyre! McIntyre said he would put Punk in the ground but Punk is still standing, still breathing, and still blood in his veins! But here comes Seth Rollins instead! But he isn’t his usual swaggering self, even though the fans still sing, “WHOA~ OHH~ OHHH~!” Rollins stares Punk down, takes off the leather fringe jacket, and pulls out a mic to say, “You’re in a good mood? Well, so am I. Because after ten long years, it is finally time for me to put you in the dirt!” Rollins storms up, tells Punk to either let him in the ring or get his ass kicked out here! Punk says he’s not the one dressed as a cowboy, but he’ll be Rollins’ huckleberry. Let’s go!

Punk backs up, Rollins storms in, but McIntyre gets both of their attention from way up in the bleachers! The fans are torn as McIntyre asks what is with all the negativity. Tonight’s the night to celebrate! Everyone is talking about the biggest match from SummerSlam, when McIntyre beat CM Punk and Rollins counted the 1-2-3. Punk, McIntyre is sure he’s earned his attention. McIntyre is talking about Punk’s favorite thing: CM Punk! Punk proved that he’s still got it! But he’s not the Best in the World anymore. McIntyre is! C’mon, they gonna keep staring into each other’s eyes? Or are they gonna look at McIntyre?

Oh, here’s how to get their attention. Guess who is still in McIntyre’s corner. He holds up the bracelet. “Your stupid looking dog, Larry, and your lovely wife, AJ.” NOW Punk responds! Punk runs into the crowd to go up the bleacher but McIntyre runs away! Punk pursues, Rollins is confused, but BRONSON REED ATTACKS!? Rollins flounders to a corner after that body check! Bronson SPLASHES him, then fireman’s carries! Rollins fights free to fire off hands! Bronson shoves Rollins, Rollins SUPERKICKS! Then BOOTS! But Bronson still fireman’s carries, RUNNING DEATH VALLEY! And a SENTON!

Rollins writhes, Bronson SENTONS again! Bronson drags Rollins to a drop zone to go up a corner! TSUNAMI!! Rollins sputters, but Bronson goes up again! ANOTHER TSUNAMI!! The fans boo but Auszilla roars as he stands over Rollins! Refs, security and producers hurry out here! They check Rollins, they reprimand Bronson, but then Bronson storms back to the corner! Bronson climbs up, TSUNAMI!!! The fans lose their minds and the producers are furious, but Bronson just goes up again?!? A FOURTH TSUNAMI!!! A FIFTH TSUNAMI!!! Baltimore is going nuts as Bronson wants another!!

Security, refs and producers try, but Bronson just leaps!A SIXTH TSUUUNAMI!!! Michael Cole & Pat McAfee call for police but even they might fail to stop this! Rollins coughs blood, did the Colossal Aussie just destroy the Architect to to- NO WAIT WHAT!? Bronson is going up again?!?! The refs finally get Rollins out of the ring to stop the destruction! Bronson sighs, hops down off the corner and exits the ring. The fans sing to support Rollins, but has he been completely demolished inside and out?

Raw returns and…

Jackie Redmond is with Adam Pearce and asks for any update that can be provided on what just happened. No, it’s a little soon for that. Rollins is going to a hospital, there is potentially internal bleeding. But then Punk storms through asking where McIntyre went. Pearce stops Punk, says he escorted McIntyre out himself. Oh, okay, well Punk would like to talk with McIntyre. His hands make a choking motion, though… Pearce says that ain’t happening tonight, McIntyre has left. He’s gone. Just relax. Punk sighs, but will he just have to wait seven days to settle things with the Scottish Terminator?

The New Day VS The Authors of Pain w/ The Final Testament!

Kofi & Woods were given their finalwarning from Karrion Kross, as this could potentially be their finalmatch together. But will the New Day embody the spirit of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles against The Foot Clan that is The Final Testament? Or will these heroes in half shells end up roadkill?

The teams sort out, Kofi starts against Akam, and he DROPKICKS right at the bell! Kofi and Akam tie up but Akam powers Kofi back to a corner. Kofi slips free to fire off hands, but Akam blocks the whip! Akam whips Kofi, Kofi goes up and up and AX HANDLES! Kofi headlocks, Akam powers out but Kofi dodges. Rezar is there but Kofi BOOTS him! Only to turn around into a SPINEBUSTER from Akam! Tag to Rezar, he HAMMERS away on Kofi then talks trash on Woods while Raw goes picture in picture.

Rezar soaks up heat from Baltimore, then storms over to Kofi at the apron. Rezardpulls on the arm but the ref counts. Rezar lets off, drags Kofi back in, and he TOSSES Kofi back out! Kofi tumbles, Rezar wants after him, but the ref stops Rezar. So Kross DECKS Kofi! Woods protests but the ref just tells him to go to his corner. Rezar storms out after Kofi, puts him in the ring, and then drags him onto the apron to CLUB down! Rezar steps in, drags Kofi up, and whips himhard into the AOP corner. But Kofi BOOTS back! So Rezar KNEES Kofi low! Tag to Akam and the AOP mug Kofi with mudhole stomps!

The ref counts, AOP lets off, and Kross tells Kofi this is what he gets. Akam puts Kofi on ropes to wrap the bad arm around and pull! Akam CLUBS Kofi as he lets off, and then stomps him! Kofi sputters, Akam drags Kofi around, then stands him up. Akam scoops Kofi for an EXPLODER! Kofi tumbles, Akam storms over and stomps Kofi to the empty corner. Akam CHOKES Kofi on ropes! Akam lets off, Kross sucker punches Kofi! Woods is getting pissed, but there’s nothing he can do as Akam tags Rezar. AOP mugs Kofi some more, and Rezar clamps onto the arm. Kofi endures, even as Rezar chinbars. Kofi fights up to fire hands!

Rezar keeps Kofi from Woods, then knees him low! Rezar shoves, scoops and taunts Woods with Kofi before he FALL AWAY SLAMS Kofi! Kofi tumbles all the way to the AOP corner, then Akam tags in. Akam drags Kofi up while Raw returns to single picture, and he KICKS Kofi around. The fans rally but Akam puts Kofi up top. Akam fires hands, but Kofi UPPERCUTS back! Kofi leaps to TORNADO DDT! Both men are down and the fans fire up! Kofi and Akam crawl, hot tags to Rezar and Woods! Woods ducks ‘n’ dodges then slides to ROLLING ELBOW! Rezar goes to a corner, Woods fires off on him!

The fans count, Woods gets three before Rezar shoves him back! Woods ROCKS Rezar, whips, but Rezar reverses. Woods BOOTS back, then SUPERKICKS! Woods SUPERKICKS Akam, but Rezar RAMS Woods into a corner! Rezar puts Woods up top, swings, but Woods fires hands first! Woods HEADBUTTS again and again, and again and again! Woods roars to hit TEN! Rezar staggers, Woods goes up, MISSILE DROPKICK! The fans fire up but Akam runs up! Woods DUMPS Akam out! Kofi climbs, and he SUPER TRUST FALLS Akam down!! Scarlett distracts the ref and Kross trips Woods up! The fans boo but the numbers are just too much!

Rezar drags Woods up, but wait! Is that Odyssey Jones?! He’s been waiting in the wings of the Raw roster, and it seems he can’t just stand by anymore! Jones RAMS Kross into the apron! And then RAMS him into barriers! Kross tumbles over, Woods catches Rezar, BACKWOODS! NEW DAY WINS!!

Winners: The New Day, by pinfall

But AOP pounces on Woods to beat him down! So Jones CLOBBERS Akam! And LARIATS Rezar! Jones runs up to SPLASH Akam, then SPLASH Rezar! He scoops Rezar, adds Akam, and he DOUBLE SIDEWALK SLAMS them!! The fans are thunderous, but here comes Kross! Kross ROCKS Jones, but runs into the SCRAPBUSTER!! Kofi & Woods are all fired up because now they have back-up! Will Jones help The New Day turn their story into anodyssey?

JD McDonagh speaks.

“You know what my favorite part of SummerSlam was? You know what really made me laugh hard? It was you, Priest. it was your gormless face looking up at that screen and seeing the replay of what Finn did at SummerSlam.” Priest didn’t see that one, huh? Priest was arrogant, blind to the fact that he was only World Heavyweight Champion because The Judgment Day allowed it. JD sacrificed his body to keep Priest on top. Priest never wanted JD in the group, in his “cool kids” club, because Priest knew that JD is the only man Finn would listen to above Priest! And tonight will be JD’s revenge because now HE is in and PRIEST is out!

Tonight, the Irish Ace makes Priest suffer. All Rise for THIS Judgment Day! Is Priest going to suffer for how he treated his friends in the past? Or will he make them pay for doing him dirty?

Odyssey Jones and The New Day regroup backstage.

They’re still fired up, and Kofi says thank goodness Jones showed up when he did! Hold up, OG, Jones is honored to help out the NEW~ DAY~! Kofi makes formal introductions, and Kofi says this is the power they needed! Woods didn’t realize Kofi and Jones were already friends. Oh yeah, it was all during rehab. Kofi mentioned that New Day could use some help with those “goofballs,” The Final Testament, so here he is! And then Otis, Tozawa & Maxxine join in! Maxxine says there is something Tozawa wants to say. “Xavier Woods… That’s naaaaasty~!” He does the shuffle, Woods joins in, and then so does everyone. Are we looking at a brand new super group?

The Awesome Truth VS A-Town Down Under!

The Miz & R-Truth were just being good co-hosts of SummerSlam, and yet Grayson Waller & Austin Theory couldn’t just leave it alone. Well now theformer World Tag Team Champions and the former WWE Tag Team Champions will do battle, who uses this as proof they should be thenext tag team champions?

Raw returns as The Awesome Truth makes their entrance. Baltimore, What’s Up? The teams sort out, Theory starts against Truth and the fans fire up. Theory runs up to tie up with Truth, and Truth headlocks. Truth kicks Waller. Waller storms in, but Truth back drops him away! Then Truth goes up to RANA SNAPMARE COMBO! The fans fire up, Truth arm-drags Theory! Tag to Miz, they double whip to DOUBLE DROPKICK! then DOUBLE DROPKICK on Waller! DOUBLE LARIATS send Waller up and out, then DOUBLE LARIATS for Theory to do the same! The fans fire up with Miz & Truth while Raw goes picture in picture.

Miz waits on someone to get in, ATDU talk it out. Theory storms up and in, then Waller says he wants in. Theory tags Waller, Waller and Miz circle. Waller then calls out Truth? Miz points over, the fans fire up, so Miz tags in Truth! Truth and Waller circle, tie up, and Truth ROCKS Waller! And ROCKS him again! Truth whips Waller to a corner, runs up and MONKEY FLIPS! A low trajectory but Waller still tumbles to a corner. Truth storms up to jump up and MONKEY FLIP again! Waller flounders but Truth whips him to ropes. Waller KKICKS Truth, tags Theory, but then Truth does the splits to dodge!

CALF KICK for Waller, but Truth turns around into Theory’s SOMERSAUTL SHOTGUN! Theory DECKS Miz for good measure, too! Theory CHOKES Truth on ropes, lets off as the ref counts, but Waller also CHOKES Truth! ATDU soak up the heat, Theory drags Truth up, but Truth fires counter punches! Truth ROCKS Theory again and again, then whips. Theory stops himself to kick low! Theory snap suplexes, covers, TWO! Theory clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Truth down. Truth endures, fights up, and throws body shots! Theory KNEES Truth low, KNEES him again, then ROCKS Truth!

Theory tags Waller, and they POST Truth! ATDU stands over Truth in the corner, soak up the heat, and Waller drags Truth to a cover. ROPEBREAK as Raw returns to single picture. The fans rally for Truth but Waller clamps on a facelock. Tag to Theory, they double whip but Truth stops himself! No double dropkicks here, and Truth TOSSES Waller! Truth BOOTS Theory but Waller YANKS Miz down! Truth storms up but Theory trips him! Theory drags Truth, Waller runs up, but Truth avoids the elbow! Truth BOOTS Theory, dodges Waller, hot tag to Miz! Miz rallies on ATDU with LARIAT after LARIAT!

Miz gets both ATDU for DOUBLE FLAPJACKS! The fans fire up and Miz throws his shirt! Free souvenir! Then Miz KICKS Theory again and again, then he BOOTS Waller! Fans rally for Miz as he KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! The It Kicks hit again and again, then a DOUBLE SHOTGUN takes ATDU out! ATDU bail out. Miz WRECKS Waller with a dropkick then PLANCHAS Theory! The fans fire up as Miz busts out the fancy stuff! Miz goes up tot he apron, Theory runs up but Miz slides under to sunset flip! TWO, but Miz kicks the legs out! BAsem*nT DDT! Cover, TWO! Theory stays in this but the fans rally up behind Miz.

Miz feeds off the energy and rises up, “MASSIVE! BALLS!” Full nelson, but Theory arm-drags free! Miz KICKS Theory, KICKS him again, then KICKS him to the corner! Miz goes corner to corner, A-LIST LARIAT! Miz goes up, Truth tags in! CROSSBODY onto Theory but Miz didn’t know about the tag! Truth hurries in, but Waller is there! Truth catches Waller, but he accidentally SMACKS Miz! ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT on Waller! But Theory has Truth now! A-TOWN DOWN!! Cover, ATDU WINS!

Winners: A-Town Down Under, by pinfall

There was miscommunication for Miz & Truth, and now Waller & Theory can gloat about this one all the way to SmackDown! Miz hugs it out with Truth, though, no hard feelings. Will Miz & Truth just have to work on their flow before going back for gold?

Damian Priest speaks.

“JD. This beating you’re gonna receive tonight is a long time coming. See, I never wanted your ass in the Judgment Day. Nobody wanted you in the Judgment Day. Except for one guy. The same guy who I thought was my brother. The same guy who betrayed me on Saturday. It’s crazy to me that for somebody with a skull this big, you’ve only got a brain like this, because you’re too STUPID to realize you’ve already been betrayed. You think you’re gonna be the one to take me out? No, Balor is sending you to me to catch the first bullet. He thinks my clip is gonna run out. But I’ve got enough in the chamber for his ass, too.

“It’s like this, JD. I hope you confessed your sins yesterday. Because tonight, I’m sending your big headed ass straight to Hell.” The Punisher has spoken, but will he have his vengeance by his own hand?

Backstage interview with Bron Breakker.

Cathy Kelley is with the NEW Intercontinental Champion, and says firstly, congratulations. We’ve seen his ruthless pursuit of this title, but is he ready for the line of superstars coming for him? Bron says he had a thought this morning. You ever wonder why everyone loves to talk about how long they’ve held a championship? How many days, years, whatever? It’s been less than three years since Bron has debuted on WWE TV. Not SmackDown and Raw, he means NXT. Less than three years, it has taken him to become Intercontinental Champion. As far as he is concerned, there’s no target on his back. HE is the hunter, the rest of the roster is the prey!

What poor idiot works up the nerve to convince themselves they have what it takes to take this title from Bron? Bron feels sorry for them all. A lot of people think he was born for this championship, but no. Thijs championship was born for him, to sit on his shoulder. Watch. Bron shows the side plate. That is HIS name bolted into HIS title. There isn’t a man on this planet that can take that name off this championship. Will the Son of the Dog Faced Gremlin not just be golden, but dominant?

Damian Priest VS JD McDonagh w/ Carlito!

Raw returns and Priest makes his entrance. The bell rings and the two run up! JD dodges to SLAP Priest! Priest swings again but JD dodge to CHOP, CHOP and CHOP! Priest just scowls but JD kicks low,. JD runs, ducks ‘n’ dodges, but Priest BOOTS him down! The fans fire up with Priest, then he TOSSE SJD to a corner! Priest ROCKS JD, stomps a mudhole in, but the ref counts. Priest lets off to roar again, and the fans stay fired up. Priest storms up on JD, stands him up and wrenches to whip. JD hits buckles, staggers forward, and into a FLAPJACK! Priest snarls, drags JD up, then DECKS him!

JD crawls to a corner, Priest whips him, but JD holds ropes to stop! JD KICKS Priest, Priest DECKS JD again! The fans fire up as JD dusts himself off. Priest runs corner to corner but JD avoids the splash! JD RAMS into Priest again and again! The ref counts, JD kicks and stomps away, but lets off as the ref reaches 4. The fans boo JD but he goes corner to corner to HYDRAULIC DROPKICK! Priest flounders, the fans chant “JD SUCKS! JD SUCKS!” JD paces around, stomps Priest’s hand, then he SLAPS Priest! Priest ROCKS JD! JD KNEES Priest in the face, then AX HANDLES him down. JD SMACKS Priest and eggs him on!

Priest CHOPS, JD CHOPS! Priest ROCKS JD, JD CHOPS, but Priest just gets pissed! Priest ROCKS JD, JD CHOPS, CHOSP and CHOPS! Priest KICKS JD outta the ring! The fans fire up and Priest glares at Carlito now. Carlito goes to check JD, but here comes Priest! Priest storms over, Carlito hurries away, but Priest is after Carlito! Carlito rolls through the ring, Priest goes back for JD. Priest drags JD up to scoop. Carlito distracts Priest, JD slips free to POST Priest! JD returns to the ring, builds speed, and he DIVES! Both men hit the desk and the fans fire up while Raw goes picture in picture!

Priest sputters from that big headed tope, and JD crawls over. The ring count starts, JD drags Priest up, and he RAMS Priest into steel steps! JD rolls into the ring, the count passes 5 of 10, and Priest pushes himself up. Priest rolls in at 9, and JD snarls. JD storms over, and he CHOKES Priest on the ropes! The ref counts, JD lets off, and Carlito sucker punches Priest! JD storms back over, and he stomps Priest right on the face! Then he KICKS Priest against ropes, CHOKES him more, but lets off as the ref counts. JD soaks up the heat while taunting the former world champion. JD sits Priest up, but Priest fires body shots!

Priest stands, JD ducks his haymaker and throws Priest down by his hair! The ref reprimands but JD catches his breath. JD stands, runs, and drops a leg, brother! Cover, ONE!! Priest is tougher than that! But JD clamps on a chinlock and he grinds Priest down. Priest endures, fights up, but JD KNEES him in the back! And again! JD runs to PENALTY KICK Priest down! JD clamps on a chinlock and body scissors! Priest endures, reaches out, fights up, but JD squeezes tight! Priest still stands up with JD as a backpack! Raw returns to single picture as Priest pries the hold open! He spins JD to BELL CLAP!

JD staggers, into the choke grip! SOUTH OF- NO, JD slips free! FALLING HEADBUTT!! JD hurries to a corner, climbs up, and he MOONSAULTS!! Cover, TWO!! Priest survives and the fans fire up! “JD SUCKS! JD SUCKS!” But JD grabs an arm! Priest fights the ripcord! Priest reels JD in, FLATLINER! The fans fire up again and Priest rises! Carlito coaches JD and JD SLAPS! And CHOPS! And CHOPS! Priest roars, then KICKS, KICKS and KICKS! Then ROLLING ELBOW! HAYMAKER!! The fans are thunderous and Priest aims at JD! Corner to corner, FLYING ELBOW! Then a BROKEN ARROW!

JD flounders out of the ring, but Priest goes out the side. Priest runs up to POUNCE JDover the desk! The fans are thunderous again as Priest drags JD up and into the ring. “This is Awesome!” Priest waits on JD and JD rises. Priest runs to COMEBACKER LARIAT! Carlito gets on the apron but Priest BOOTS him down! The straps come down and the fans fire up again! But FINN ATTACKS!

Winner: Damian Priest, by disqualification

The Prince pounces, just as he said he would! Now the Judgment Day beats Priest down! But Priest glares at Finn! Dominik Mysterio runs out here to add on! The fans boo as this is a 4v1 mugging! Liv Morgan cheers it on as they stand Priest up to fire fists! JD runs up but Priest TOSSES Him out! Priest ROCKS Carlito, TOSSES Dom, SUPERKCIKS Carlito, and now Finn is alone! Finn turns to run! The fans are thunderous as Priest catches Finn! Canadian Rack, but Liv saves Finn! Liv stands in Priest’s way, and then Dom CHOP BLOCKS Priest! Dom & Liv beat up on Priest! BUT HERE COMES MAMI!!

The fans are thunderous as Rhea Ripley storms right into the ring! Dom & Liv run away, only for Rhea to catch Liv! Rhea POSTS Liv! Then POSTS her again! Liv flops over, but Rhea throws the hood off the desk! Rhea drags Liv up, brings her around, hoists her up, but Dom saves Liv! The fans boo as Dom & Liv run away. But JD goes after Priest again! Rhea gets in the ring, and Priest sends JD her way! HEADBUTT! Choke grip! SOUTH OF HEAVEN!!! The “Terror Twins,” the rejected Rhea and Priest, are far from vulnerable, and they are far from through with this new Judgment Day! Will these two be the ones standing tall in the end?

Sonya’s squad strikes Damage CTRL backstage!

This factions were supposed to have it out in the ring but Sonya’s side beats Dakota, Iyo & Kairi down now! Shayna STOMPS away on Dakota’s leg!! They tell DMG CTRL to stay out of their business! So much for that match tonight, huh? Sonya, Shayna & Stark leave, will they continue to run wild until they run Raw?

Dakota Kai w/ Damage CTRL VS Sonya Deville w/ Shayna Baszler & Zoey Stark!

Raw returns and this match is still scheduled to happen, but how can #CobraKai fight after what just happened to her? Sonya’s squad wait in the ring, and Sonya gets a mic. “I don’t think we’re gonna see Dakota Kai tonight. Isn’t that so sad? I thinks he’s a little… under the weather.” But wait, DMG CTRL still makes their entrance! It’s just Iyo & Kairi, though, but they aren’t gonna back down from a fight. The Evil Genius is stepping up, will she make Sonya pay for pushing things this far?

The bell rings and the brawl is on! Sonya fires hands, knees, and then talks trash before giving more! Sonya DECKS Iyo, runs, but Iyo dodge the knee! Iyo kips up, wags her finger, then runs up! Sonya fires more shots, whips Iyo to ropes, but Iyo reverses, dodges, and tilt-o-whirl RANAS! Sonya tumbles out, the fans fire up with Iyo, and Iyo builds speed. But Zoey is there! SO Iyo BOOTS her! Shayna swings but Iyo DECKS her, too! Sonya runs up, the brawl is on again, and Sonya sends Iyo into steel steps! Iyo falls, Kairi goes to Iyo’s side, and Raw goes to break.

Raw returns again and Sonya CHOPS Iyo on the outside. Sonya puts Iyo in the ring, pushes her to a cover, TWO! Sonya stands Iyo up, wraps her arms around ropes, then KICKS! And KICKS! And KICKS! The ref counts, Sonya lets off to then SMACK Iyo off the mat! And then the other way! Sonya cleans her hands of Iyo’s hair, then she drags Iyo up again. The fans rally for Iyo, and Iyo fires hands and body shots! The fans fire up, Sonya shoves Iyo, then slips around! Dragon sleeper, but Iyo rolls Sonya up! TWO, and Iyo kicks! Sonya blocks to KNEE back! Iyo flounders, Sonya runs in at the corner, but Iyo dodges! Sonya POSTS herself!

Kairi coaches Iyo, the fans rally, and Iyo runs up to block a punch, block a kick, and DRAGON SCREW! Sonya stands but Iyo DECKS her! And SHOTEIS! Iyo roars, runs and DROPKICKS Sonya down! Iyo runs at the corner to ELBOW Sonya down! Iyo kicks Sonya to the drop zone, then she climbs! The fans fire up, Sonya stands, and Iyo MISSILE DROPKICKS! Cover, TWO! Sonya survives and Iyo is frustrated. The fans rally up, Iyo brings Sonya around to underhook, but Sonya fights! Sonya wrenches out to KNEE Iyo! Sonya runs, to KNEE Iyo again! Cover, TWO!! Iyo survives that shot and Sonya is beside herself.

Sonya drags Iyo up, reels her in, but Iyo fights the lift. Iyo kicks a leg, wheelbarrows and victory rolls, STOMP 182! Iyo then runs in, SHINKANSEN in the corner! Cover, Zoey gives Sonya the ropebreak! The fans boo and Iyo is shocked! Kairi storms up to URAKEN Zoey! Then she dodges Shayna to set her up, Iyo WRECKS Shayna! Sonya grabs Iyo but Iyo slips free! Iyo TOSSES Sonya, Kairi goes up! Iyo joins her, and the Sky Pirates coordinate! ARIHARA MOONSAULT and IN-SANE ELBOW!! Down goes Sonya and her squad! The fans fire up as Iyo puts Sonya back in! Kairi says go go! Iyo stomps Sonya, goes up, and OVER THE MOONSAULT! Cover, Iyo wins!

Winner: Iyo Sky, by pinfall

DMG CTRL makes the bullies pay for going after Dakota! But with as hard fought as that was, will they only have to fight that much harder to take control of Raw back?

Ilja Dragunov talks with Sami Zayn backstage.

The Mad Dragon assures the Underdog of the Underground that he was a true Intercontinental Champion. That was a fight that inspired people. Sami says that means a lot. And he is sure Dragunov will make a fine champ himself one day. Dragunov heads out, and in steps Jey Uso! “My dawg!” Tough match at SummerSlam. But don’t worry, Sami can shake that off. YEET. Sami isn’t sure, that one felt a little different. Jey says c’mon, you’re Sami Zayn! You know how to pick yourself up and be happy-go-lucky. That’s just it, this is a tougher pill to swallow. Jey won’t hear that. Sami can get his rematch, get his title back, and be the NEW Intercontinental Champion, again!YEET!

Sami says yeah, man! He already talked with Pearce! He has the rematch next week! Jey says don’t mess with him like that, Uce! But Sami vows he will get his title back. Jey says yeah, handle your business. And then after that, they can both handle some unfinished business with The Judgment Day, making Sami a Double Champ. He likes that? YEET! Secret handshake! Is Sami going to turn this all around and have more gold than he knows what to do with?

The Wyatt Sick6 share another video.

Humming to himself in a corner to the tune of He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands, Joe Gacy is told by Uncle Howdy, “They thought they could control you. They locked you away. But I saw through their lies. Open your heart to the man int he woods, and now… We’ll make them all pay for their sins.” Gacy has become Huskus, but will his appetite forviolence be satiated tonight?

Chad Gable walks ‘n’ talks.

Flanked by The Creeds, Gable tells the Wyatts, “You’ve been after me for weeks. You thought I was an easy target because that old, pathetic family of mine left me high and dry. But I got a new family now. And with The Creeds by my side, we’re sending you back to whatever pathetic freakshow of a swamp you crawled out of! You’ve never met anyone like us! We are… American Made!” This new trio is ready for a fight, but will they get far more than they bargained for tonight?

Six Man Tag: Chad Gable & The Creed Brothers VS The Wyatt Sick6!

Raw returns and The Wyatts make their entrance. The lights go down, the fireflies come out, and the piano plays. The rocking chair is there, the lantern sitting on it, and the fog rolls in. “American Made” is anxious as the piano picks up. Sister Abigail leads the way for Uncle Howdy, Mercy the Buzzard, Huskus the Pig Boy and Ramblin’ Rabbit. Howdy picks up the lantern and they continue down the ramp. Abigail sits at the edge of the ramp, the masks are taken away, and the Wyatts rush the ring! The brawl is on, Rowan firing hands with Julius while Lumis has Brutus and Gacy has Gable! The fans fire up as the Wyatts TOSS American Made out of the ring!

Gabe regroups with The Creeds, but they turn around to see Uncle Howdy/Bo Dallas sitting in the rocking chair, and laughing. “This is Awesome!” as Gable, Julius & Brutus go to theother corner. The trios sort out, and Gable rushes in, but Lumis slithers up to him! Lumis and Gable circle as it were, but then Gable tags Julius and bails out. Julius runs up, Lumis dodges and UPPERCUTS! The fans fire up, Lumis brings Julius around to RIPCORD SPINEBUSTER! Lumis runs to AX HANDLE! And AX HANDLE! And then a JUMP LEG DROP! Tag to Gacy, and he runs up to LARIAT Julius! Gacy whips, Julius reverses, but Gacy goes Bray Wyatt spider-walk in the corner!

The fans fire up, Julius runs in, but Gacy slips up and around him to LARIAT! Gacy OVERHEAD SUPLEXES Julius, then tags Lumis. Brutus runs in, into a BACK SUPLEX NECKBREAKER COMBO! Brutus distracts the ref while Lumis whips Julius, and Julius reverses so Gable can get a cheap shot in! The fans boo but Julius storms up to tag Gable. American Made surround Lumis, then BLAST Gacy & Rowan! Gable stomps Lumis, but Rowan & Gacy storm in! They brawl with American Made again and the fans fire up!

Rowan scoops Julius, Lumis sends Gable over so Rowan can CLOBBER Gableusing Julius! Gacy scoops Brutus, and SLAMS him down! Rowan SLAMS Juliusonto Brutus! Gacy runs, to DOUBLE SENTON! The fans fire up as the Wyatts control the ring! But then wait, as American Made bails out, Gacy helps Rowan hoist Lumis up! BUZZARD BOMBonto American Made!! The fans fire up as The Wyatts stand tall, and Raw goes picture in picture.

The ref checks Gable, Julius & Brutus, and they’re all okay to continue. The Wyatts then storm out to drag American Made up! Gable is put in the ring while The Creeds get steel steps! Rowan grinds his boot into Brutus, Lumis tags Gacy. They mug Gable, then Gacy slingshot sunset flips! TWO, and Gacy watches Gable go to a corner. Gacy SPLASHES Gable, then BLASTS Julius before he BOOT WASHES Gable! Gacy drags Gable up to whip, but Gable reverses! Gacy hits buckles, Gable runs in and he blocks a boto! Gable puts that leg in ropes to DRAPING DRAGON SCREW! Gable drags Gacy for a spinning toehold! And another!

Gable YANKS Gacy’s leg, tags Brutus, and they stomp away at the ropes! The ref counts, American Made lets off, and Brutus digs his knee into Gacy’s leg. Brutus SMASH, knee drop, and then he looms over Gacy. Gacy CHOPS Brutus, but Brutus DECKS him! Brutus drags Gacy over, tags Julius, and they stomp Gacy more. Julius kicks Gacy around, taunts the Wyatts, then he drops an elbow on the leg! And again! Julius stomps Gacy, steps on him, then covers, ONE!! Gacy is tougher than that but Julius drags him back. Tag to Gable and he YANKS the leg! Gacy grins through the pain, but Gable stomps him down.

Gable stomps Gacy more, soaks up the heat, then he drags Gacy around for a standing leglock. Gacy endures, Raw returns to single picture one more time, and fans rally for the Wyatts. Gable SNAP LOCKS the leg, puts Gacy on the apron, but Gacy RAMS Gable! Gacy slingshots, but into a NORTHERN LIGHTS! Bridging cover, TWO! Gable drags Gacy up, tags Brutus, and Brutus torture racks Gacy, for SHELL SHOCK! Tag to Julius before Brutus STANDING MOONSAULTS! Julius goes up to MOONSAULT! Gable tags in to go up, and he MOONSAULTS from the very top! Cover, Lumis breaks it! The fans cheer but American Made mugs Mercy!

Brutus & Julius POST Lumis, the fans chant “You Suck!” Brutus tags in, he and Julius double whip but Gacy handsprings, into the UPSIDE-DOWN!! The double lariats connect, all three men flounder, hot tags to Gable and Rowan! The Wyatt OG rallies on American Made! LEG LARIAT for Gable! ELBOW for Brutus! LARIAT for Julius! LARIAT for Brutus and Brutus goes up and out! Gable runs in, into a HUGE back drop! The fans are thunderous and Howdy is loving it! Rowan WRECKS Gable with a dropkick, right into barriers! Rowan SMACKS Gable off the barriers, then puts him in the ring.

The fans fire up with Rowan as he says “YEAH YEAH YEAH YEAH~!” Shoutout to Harper before the slingshot SENTON! Gable sputters, Rowan picks him up! JACKHAMMER! Cover, The Creeds break it! The fans boo as The Creeds mug Rowan, but he blasts free! IRON CLAW for Brutus! JUMP KNEE from Julius! Gacy fires off on The Creeds but that’s 2v1! The Creeds TOSS Gacy out hard, then they go after him more! But Lumis is up top! BUZZARD SENTON!! All four men are down and the fans fire up again! Gable storms up on Rowan, to GERMAN SUPLEX!! Bridging cover, TWO!! Rowan survives and Gable can’t believe it!

The fans still tell Gable, “YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK!” Gable calls to his boys, but Gacy & Lumis are there instead. They scare the crap outta Gable, but then the Creeds attack! Only to get DOUBLE URENAGESon the desk!! Gable is even more afraid, and he turns around to see Rowan! Rowan clamps on the IRON CLAW! CLAW SLAM!! The fans cheer and Rowan tags Gacy. Gacy tags Lumis, and they combine, POP-UP POWERBOMB SENTON!! Lumis then goes back up, FOLLOW THE BUZZARDS!! Cover, The Wyatts win!

Winners: The Wyatt Sick6, by pinfall

Uncle Howdy is very proud of his new family, and surely the late, great Bray Wyatt is also just as proud. They all stand together victorious in the ring, the lantern lighting the way. They’re here, and will they make sure Raw is never the same again?

My Thoughts:

Another great Raw, a good follow up such an amazing SummerSlam, with solid story and action. The first hour being commercial free once again put a lot more commercials in the second and third hour, and they really could’ve put more into the first hour to make up for that, but oh well. One thing that seemed a bit off though was pretty much the entire Iyo VS Sonya match. Lyra VS Shayna was good, even with the DQ finish. DMG CTRL rushing out there to stop Sonya’s squad made sense, but then we get a backstage attack, and instead of Dakota VS Sonya, we get Iyo VS Sonya.

And while I didn’t really point out the sloppiness, Iyo VS Sonya just wasn’t what that match should look like. Was this a last minute change to cover up that Dakota still isn’t quite ring ready? Seems a shame for Dakota then, she just can’t stay healthy. At the same time, kayfabe injuries could be a way to stretch this story out so that we get all these factions fighting off down the line. We also got some interesting subtleties in the tag matches tonight. Awesome Truth falls apart in their loss to A-Town Down Under, and while Miz kept his cool now, the seed has been planted for a break-up. After all, Miz is at his peak as a Heel.

And similarly, while New Day wins against AOP, Odyssey Jones making the save didn’t quite excite Woods as much as it did Kofi. Woods let it go for now because it was a needed save, and they all got to hang out with Otis, Tozawa & Maxxine, but Kross could easily twist this as Kofi using Jones to either replace Woods, replace Big E, or replace them both. All I know is, a tag team break up here might be the better move this time because it’d be something new for The New Day to go through. But it would seem a new team is on the rise as Jey and Sami are more than happy to go after the World Tag Team Championships, once Sami loses his rematch next week to Bron.

Great opening promo from Gunther with Randy Orton to set up their Bash in Berlin match, that will be an awesome first defense for Der Ring General. Sheamus VS Kaiser was great action, and I figured Pete Dunne would show up. Sheamus still coming out on top was a good move, though. Sheamus more or less finishes things with Kaiser, Dunne still has reason to go after him, but that’s after Dunne and Trick have their match tomorrow night on NXT. We got a great promo segment from Punk, Rollins and McIntyre, and it was quite the bait ‘n’ switch on feuds. Punk and McIntyre are certainly fighting again, and then Bronson Reed tries to murder Rollins! I don’t think this is to write Rollins off, but it will help push things towards Bash in Berlin so the two can fight it out there.

Obviously, awesome stuff from Judgment Day tonight. Great promo from Priest to call out Finn, natural response from Finn, and Priest’s secondary promo does have a point, JD was not seeing how Finn was setting him up as a pawn. Great match from Priest and JD, in which Finn and the rest of course go after Priest, to then bring Rhea out so she can get some shots in. We definitely need “The Terror Twins” in a Mixed Tag against Dom & Liv, maybe even Finn & Liv, before having some 1v1 blowoffs, but they could really do just about anything with this story and I’m sure it’ll be awesome.

And good stuff in the story of Gable’s new group, “American Made,” and the Wyatt Sick6. As a team name goes, American Made is more a catchphrase, but whatever. Good Wyatt video to explain Gacy joining up, and then just a great Six Man Tag main event. This worked out so much better than if it were on the kickoff show for SummerSlam. I was a little worried when the Creeds threw Gacy out hard like that, but he walked it off. Great combo moves tonight, Wyatt Sick6 could easily find their way into the tag title scene, especially if Heels like The Judgment Day hold onto the titles through facing Sami & Jey.

My Score: 8.8/10

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Mitchell’s NJPW G1 Climax 34 Results & Report! (8/6/24) (2024)
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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.