Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (2024)

What I like about Call of Dragons is the variety of abilities and talents that heroes can bring to the battlefield. But for someone who just started playing this strategy game, or a casual player, it can be difficult to figure out which heroes are the most powerful.

That’s why we’ve made this tier list, to help you pick the best heroes in Call of Dragons. Whether you’re building an army for a tough solo battle or just want to dominate your opponents in PvP, this tier list will make sure you pick the right heroes for the job.

Call of Dragons Tier List

RankCall of Dragons Characters
SHosk, Syndrion, Madeline, Forondil, Emrys, Theia, Skogul, Velyn
AKinnara, Goresh, Nico, Ffraegar, Baksi, Theodore, Nika, Garwood, Indis, Liliya
BAlwyn, Atheus, Eliana, Waldyr, Alistair
CGwanwyn, Pan, Bakhar, Kregg
DOrdo, Kella, Chakcha

S Tier (Best Heroes)

  • Hosk
  • Syndrion
  • Madeline
  • Forondil
  • Emrys
  • Theia
  • Skogul
  • Velyn


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (1)

The top hero in our Call of Dragons tier list is Hosk. He is the best hero in Call of Dragons because he can lead any type of unit, has powerful skills, and excels at Rally battles.

This means that he can deal massive damage to your enemies’ Strongholds and Cities when picking one of the strongest types of units for his legion, and has his first skill maximized.

The Precision talent makes his normal attacks even more powerful and gives him bonus damage when attacking enemy players. That’s why Hosk is so great for both, field and city attacks.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Rally
  • Role: Precision


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (2)
  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Rally
  • Role: Precision


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (3)

Madeline is the greatest tank hero in Call of Dragons when it comes to defending your legion in PvP battles. She has a Tank talent, which gives her access to various defensive skills that can greatly help her allies in battle, such as giving them extra resistance and damage reduction.

She excels at leading Infantry units, which are best known for their increased defensive capabilities. Madeline is also a good damage dealer, and her fourth skill, once activated, allows her to attack up to 3 surrounding enemies at the same time.

This makes her a good hero for both offense and defense, which makes her a valuable asset for any Call of Dragons roster.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Tank


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (4)
  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Control


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (5)

Emrys is one of the most efficient PvP heroes in Call of Dragons. The PvP talent offers him a series of powerful attributes for attacking other players in the field. His second talent, Mobility, offers him a great March and Attack Speed, which helps him move quickly while attacking enemies.

He excels at leading Cavalry units, and this also contributes a lot to the overall marching speed of his legion, which makes him the perfect hero for quick attacks.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Mobility


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (6)

Theia is one of the best healers you can have in your Call of Dragons roster. She has the Support talent, which gives her access to healing and buffing skills that benefit her allies and all nearby friendly legions. A remarkable ability from her Support talent tree is Punisher.

When this slot is activated, the units healed by Theia in combat will also deal Skill damage. The good thing is that this effect can be triggered once every 10 seconds, which is quite useful for tough battles.

This makes her a fantastic Deputy hero when used together with Hosk or Emrys. Another great thing about Theia is that she excels at leading any type of unit due to her overall talent.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Support


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (7)
  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Mobility


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (8)

Velyn’s combination of PvP and Control talents makes him an excellent pick for any PvP fight. This hero can deal massive damage to multiple enemies at the same time, and his Control talent has various crowd control skills that can greatly help your team in battle.

He excels at leading Magic units and has also the ability to reduce the enemy’s marching speed, an effect gained from his first and fourth skills. This makes him a great pick for tackling large groups of enemies efficiently and quickly.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Control

A Tier (Strong)

  • Kinnara
  • Goresh
  • Nico
  • Ffraegar
  • Baksi
  • Theodore
  • Nika
  • Garwood
  • Indis
  • Liliya


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (9)

Kinnara has quickly become one of the most popular heroes in this game. Her combination of PvP and Control talents makes her a formidable opponent in any PvP battle.

She can deal massive damage thanks to her ability to lead Marksman units, which have the highest Physical Attack in the game.

However, we recommend that you use Kinnara with a Support deputy hero because archer/marksman units even though have the highest attack power, have the lowest HP. With the help of a Support hero such as Theia, Kinnara can be a mighty hero in battle.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Control


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (10)
  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Rally
  • Role: Tank


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (11)

This little fella is the perfect hero for attacking enemy alliance buildings on the world map, thanks to his Engineering talent. But that’s not all, Nico also has a Precision talent, which gives him access to various normal attack improvements.

On top of that, he excels at leading Marksman units, which also contributes to his legion’s attack power. Additionally, his third skill will further increase his legion attack and defense, once activated. If you don’t have Kinnara yet, you can always use Nico for leading your Marksman units.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Engineering
  • Role: Precision


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (12)
  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Mobility


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (13)

Baksi is an Orc shaman (Wilderburg faction) who has skills and talents that make him one of the best heroes for attacking Darklings and Dark Creatures in Call of Dragons. The fact that he also specializes in leading Cavalry units, makes him a good choice for farming Hero EXP items, quickly and efficiently.

Baksi’s skills also help heal his legion and increase their HP, which makes him a versatile and good hero, even without a Support deputy.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Skills


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (14)
  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Garrison
  • Role: Skills


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (15)

Nika is one of the most popular heroes in Call of Dragons, and it is not surprising. She has a wide range of Peacekeeping skills and talent effects that help her to take down Darklings and Dark Creatures fast.

She also excels at leading Infantry units, which is great for defending your fleet when dealing with more powerful PvE enemies.

Her fourth skill, once activated, will further increase the Attack and March Speed of her legion, which makes her an excellent choice for all PvE fights.

Compared to Baksi, she is more on the offensive side as her skills lack the healing ability but this is compensated by the extra Skill damage.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Skills


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (16)

Thanks to his great defensive capabilities, Garwood is the best hero you can use to protect your City in Call of Dragons. He offers great support when used as a Deputy and as a great damage dealer from the previous tier on this Call of Dragons tier list.

His Garrison and Tank talents offer him a great boost in HP and Defense. Additionally, he also has healing capabilities and can reduce the damage taken by his legion, making him one of the best defensive heroes in the game.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Garrison
  • Role: Tank


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (17)

Indis can either be used as a healer or for gathering resources outside your city on the world map. When used as a gatherer, she can help increase your resource production significantly, especially when gathering Wood. That’s because she gets an additional bonus on top of the general resource-gathering speed boost.

However, the rest of her skills offer mostly healing bonuses, which makes her an excellent choice as a Support Deputy, and a good alternative to any of the previous healers on this Call of Dragons tier list.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Gathering
  • Role: Support


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (18)

Liliya is a good alternative to Nika or Baksi and she excels at leading Magic units. She is more focused on multi-target, long-range damage, making her an ideal choice for taking down hordes of Dark Creatures from afar.

Her Skills talent also provides some extra damage boost for her first skill, and this can make all the difference in a PvE fight. She also has some defensive capabilities thanks to her third skill which boosts her units’ HP.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Legendary
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Skills

B Tier (OK)

  • Alwyn
  • Atheus
  • Eliana
  • Waldyr
  • Alistair


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (19)

Alwyn is the top hero in this tier and is a decent pick for PvP matches since he provides a good mix of Magic Skill damage and short HP buffs. But since he has an Epic rarity, he does not perform as great as the heroes mentioned in the previous two tiers.

His Control talent also makes him a good alternative for taking down and affecting the mobility of multiple enemies at once, while his passive skills help reduce the damage taken by his troops. If you have lots of Magic units and don’t have Velyn yet, then Alwyn is a good pick.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Control


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (20)

Atheus is another good Epic hero choice for PvP combat. He not only can move fast on the battlefield but he can also attack enemies from afar, thanks to his Magic talent. One impressive talent from his Mobility talent tree is Preemptive Preparations.

This talent feature, when activated, gives Atheus and his legion an Attack Speed boost when they enter battle. Overall, Atheus is a good alternative for PvP combat if you don’t have Emrys recruited yet.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Mobility


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (21)

Eliana is a great deputy choice for attacking Darklings and Dark Creatures, because of her mix of Peacekeeping and Support talents. You could team her up with Nika, or Liliya, both providing a good damage output but lacking the self-healing ability.

Eliana can not only heal the wounded units but also reduce the damage taken and boost the damage while attacking PvE enemies. She is a great pick for creating a safe and effective PvE team.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Support


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (22)

Waldyr is a decent alternative to test PvP combat, considering that he is also the starting hero for the League of Order faction. He is quite balanced in terms of attack power and defensiveness making him a good choice to start your Call of Dragons journey.

His Magic talent tree offers plenty of improvements for attack and defense. But to fully benefit from these bonuses, you should only use Magic units for his legion, and that includes the units for your Deputy hero as well.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: PvP
  • Role: Skills


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (23)

Alistair is best when used for attacking other players’ cities due to his Rally talent. His Tank talent also helps a lot when defending his own city, or his troops while they are on the field. His passive skills further enhance his defensive capabilities, while also granting him a boost in attack power.

If you already have Hosk in your rooster, promoted to 3 stars and level 20, then you could use Alistair as his Deputy and create a powerful, effective team against enemy Strongholds.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Rally
  • Role: Tank

C Tier (Average)

  • Gwanwyn
  • Pan
  • Bakhar
  • Kregg


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (24)

Gwanwyn is the starting hero for the Springwardens faction. She is an Epic rarity hero, good for both, PvP and PvP combat due to her combination of Precision and Peacekeeping talents.

But because she’s an Epic hero, she should be used as a deputy if you have any of the previous tiers’ heroes.

She specializes in leading Marksman, which also helps deal more damage when attacking Dark Creatures or other players. Her third skill, once activated, gives an extra boost of Physical Attack and March Speed. This makes her a quick, hard-hitting hero.

  • Faction: Springwardens
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Peacekeeping
  • Role: Precision


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (25)

Pan is a good alternative to Indis as she also provides support and gathering benefits. Although the gathering speed bonuses are slightly lower than Indis’, she can still help you get your resources faster, while also providing support capabilities to your troops.

Her Support talent tree contains powerful buff and healing abilities, which will greatly benefit your troops in combat. Her passive skills also reduce the damage received by your troops, increase their defense, and further boost her healing effectiveness.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Gathering
  • Role: Support


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (26)

Bakhar is also a multi-purpose hero that you should consider upgrading, especially if you don’t have Garwood recruited. He can help defend your city and to make him as effective as possible, you should consider maximizing his Garrison talent tree.

He can also deal a fair amount of damage thanks to his Skills and talent, but his true strength is his Garrison talent.

This talent also gets increased even further when you unlock his fourth skill. You should garrison him (and Garwood) to your city’s Wall and keep them in the city to benefit from their defensive capabilities.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Garrison
  • Role: Skills


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (27)

This little goblin creature and his dragon can help you demolish buildings on the world map much faster. He can also have a good march speed increase due to his Mobility talent tree.

However, your top priority should be to upgrade his Engineering talent tree, if you plan on participating in PvP activities and helping to construct alliance buildings.

Kregg can also target multiple enemies at once, and this ability can be increased even more when unlocking his fifth skill.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Epic
  • Excels at: Engineering
  • Role: Mobility

D Tier (Weak)

  • Ordo
  • Kella
  • Chakcha


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (28)

All three heroes mentioned in this tier, are the weakest in Call of Dragons, due to their Elite rarity, the less powerful skills, and lower stats. The first hero in this tier is Ordo, which can be used to demolish enemy buildings or help your alliance construct buildings faster.

But because his stats and skills are much lower than any of the heroes mentioned in the previous heroes, you should avoid consuming too many Hero EXP items on him.

You can also use him to increase your troop’s defense, or garrison him to your City’s Wall, but replace him with a higher-tier hero as soon as you can.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Excels at: Engineering
  • Role: Tank


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (29)

Kella has the same rarity as Ordo and does not bring much to the table when compared to heroes mentioned in the previous tiers for combat purposes.

However, she’s the only hero who can help you get more Gold in Call of Dragons, thanks to her Gathering talent and her second skill, which gives an extra bonus. That being said, we recommend only using her for gathering resources.

  • Faction: League of Order
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Excels at: Gathering
  • Role: Support


Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (30)

The last hero on our Call of Dragons tier list is Chakcha. Same as Kella, he also specializes in gathering resources, but the extra bonus is offered for gathering Ore.

Although the combat stats are quite low, he can still be handy if you need more resources. Your main priority when upgrading his talent trees should be Gathering and Overall.

  • Faction: Wilderburg
  • Rarity: Rare
  • Excels at: Gathering
  • Role: Skills


This concludes our guide on the best heroes to use in Call of Dragons. Create a legion around the heroes that we ranked in the A-tier or the S-tier (preferably) if you want a reliable team from the early stages of the game up to the en-game content. Happy gaming!

Call of Dragons Character Tier List [2024] (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

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Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.